In this MMS API Quickstart, we’ll show you how to send MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) from your web application using MessageBird’s MMS API.
Before we get started, log in to the MessageBird Connectivity Platform and collect your live API key from the Developer Dashboard.
Next, enter your credentials and mobile number - as both the originator and recipient - to the below snippet and copy it to your terminal. Now, hit enter!
curl -X POST \-H 'Authorization: AccessKey YOUR-API-KEY' \-d "recipients=31XXXXXXXXXX" \-d "originator=YourName" \-d "subject=Check out this cool MMS" \-d "body=Have you seen this logo?" \-d "mediaUrls[]="
You can access and manage your credentials in the MessageBird Developer Dashboard.
You’ve sent your first MMS with MessageBird’s MMS API!
Now, let’s view MessageBird’s HTTP response to your API call. If the set up was correct, you will receive a response similar to this:
{"id": "efa6405d518d4c0c88cce11f7db775fb","href": "","direction": "mt","originator": "YourName","subject": "Check out this cool MMS","body": "Have you seen this logo?","reference": null,"mediaUrls": [""],"scheduledDatetime": null,"createdDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:00+00:s00","recipients": {"totalCount": 1,"totalSentCount": 1,"totalDeliveredCount": 0,"totalDeliveryFailedCount": 0,"items": [{"recipient": 31XXXXXXXXX,"status": "sent","statusDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:00+00:00"}]}}
If something went wrong, you’ll receive an error response from the MessageBird API. Don't worry, head over to the MMS API Troubleshooting to understand the error.
Congrats! You can now programmatically send outbound MMS with MessageBird's MMS API.