MessageBird's MMS API enables you to send and receive MMS messages that include multimedia content to and from a selected group of countries. Currently, you can only send MMS within the US and Canada.
Messages are identified by a unique ID. And with this ID you can always check the status of the MMS message through the provided endpoint.
The MMS API uses HTTP verbs and a RESTful endpoint structure with an access key that is used as the API Authorization framework. Request and response payloads are formatted as JSON—although we provide a GET alternative for requests—using UTF-8 encoding and URL encoded values.
Keep in mind that sending and receiving MMS is only possible if the VMN is MMS enabled. .
This object represents an MMS message at
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | A unique ID which is created on the MessageBird platform and is returned upon creation of the object. |
href | string | The URL of the created object. |
direction | string | Tells you if the message is sent or received. mt: mobile terminated (sent to mobile) mo: mobile originated (received from mobile) |
originator | string | The sender/source address of the message. This has to be the dedicated MMS virtual mobile number (including country code) for either the US/CA. |
recipients | hash | The hash with recipient information. Further explanation in the table below. |
subject | string | The subject of the MMS message. Character limit: 256. |
body | string | The body of the MMS message. Character limit: 2000. |
mediaUrls | array | An array with URL's to the media attachments you want to send as part of the MMS message. |
reference | string | A client reference |
scheduledDatetime | datetime | The scheduled date and time of the message in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP) |
createdDatetime | datetime | The date and time of the creation of the message in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP) |
{"id": "efa6405d518d4c0c88cce11f7db775fb","href": "","direction": "mt","originator": "+31207009850","subject": "Great logo","body": "Hi! Please have a look at this very nice logo of this cool company.","reference": "the-customers-reference","mediaUrls": [""],"scheduledDatetime": null,"createdDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:00+00:00","recipients": {"totalCount": 1,"totalSentCount": 1,"totalDeliveredCount": 0,"totalDeliveryFailedCount": 0,"items": [{"recipient": 31612345678,"status": "sent","statusDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:00+00:00"}]}}
Attribute | Type | Description |
totalCount | integer | The total count of recipients. |
totalSentCount | integer | The count of recipients that have the message pending (status sent, and buffered). |
totalDeliveredCount | integer | The count of recipients where the message is delivered (status delivered). |
totalDeliveryFailedCount | integer | The count of recipients where the delivery has failed (status delivery_failed). |
items | array | An array of recipient hashes |
items[].recipient | integer | The msisdn of the recipient |
items[].status | string | The status of the message sent to the recipient. Possible values: scheduled, sent, buffered, delivered, expired, and delivery_failed |
items[].statusDatetime | datetime | The datum time of the last status in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP) |
Returns an MMS message object if the request was successful and message has been found. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.
{"id": "efa6405d518d4c0c88cce11f7db775fb","href": "","direction": "mt","originator": "YourName","subject": "Check out this cool MMS","body": "Have you seen this logo?","reference": null,"mediaUrls": [""],"scheduledDatetime": null,"createdDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:00+00:00","recipients": {"totalCount": 1,"totalSentCount": 0,"totalDeliveredCount": 1,"totalDeliveryFailedCount": 0,"items": [{"recipient": 31612345678,"status": "delivered","statusDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:01+00:00"}]}}
This request creates a new MMS message object. MessageBird returns the created message object with each request. Per request, a max of 50 recipients can be entered.
Parameter | Type | Description |
originator | string | The sender of the message. This can be a telephone number (including country code - E.164) or an alphanumeric string. In case of an alphanumeric string, the maximum length is 11 characters. Required |
recipients | array | The array of recipients MSISDNs, E.164 formatted. Required |
body | string | The body of the MMS message, UTF-8 encoded. Body or mediaUrls is required |
mediaUrls | array | Array of URL's of attachments of the MMS message. See media attachmentsfor more information about attachments. Body or mediaUrls is required |
Parameter | Type | Description |
subject | string | The subject of the MMS message, UTF-8 encoded |
reference | string | A client reference |
scheduledDatetime | datetime | The scheduled date and time of the message in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP) |
curl -X POST \-H 'Authorization: AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM' \-d "recipients=31612345678" \-d "originator=YourName" \-d "subject=Check out this cool MMS" \-d "body=Have you seen this logo?" \-d "mediaUrls[]="
Do note that values are not automatically urlencoded with the above example. Use `--data-urlencode` if you want to urlencode the values.
If successful, this request will return a message object. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.
{"id": "efa6405d518d4c0c88cce11f7db775fb","href": "","direction": "mt","originator": "YourName","subject": "Check out this cool MMS","body": "Have you seen this logo?","reference": null,"mediaUrls": [""],"scheduledDatetime": null,"createdDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:00+00:00","recipients": {"totalCount": 1,"totalSentCount": 1,"totalDeliveredCount": 0,"totalDeliveryFailedCount": 0,"items": [{"recipient": 31612345678,"status": "sent","statusDatetime": "2017-09-01T10:00:00+00:00"}]}}
The request to receive MMS MO (inbound) messages is a POST request from MessageBird to customer platform, and has the following POST parameters:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | A unique random UUID which is created on the MessageBird platform. |
recipient | string | The recipient of the message (the VMN/long number). |
originator | string | The sender of the message. |
body | string | The body of the MMS message. |
subject | string | The subject of the MMS message. |
mediaUrls | array | An array with URLs to the media attachments (max 10). |
mediaContentTypes | array | An array with the content/mime types of the attachments (same order/array index as mediaUrls). |
createdDatetime | string | The date and time of the creation of the message in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP). |
POST id=a5f3ca18-2935-11e7-ad46-08002720e7b4&originator=1123456789&recipient=1987654321&subject=MMS+reply&body=View+our+logo&mediaUrls[0]=[0]=image/png&createdDatetime=2017-04-24T20:15:30+00:00
Status reports are requests that are sent to your platform through a GET request. The requests hold information about the status of a message that you have sent through our API. Status reports are only provided for messages are sent to us with a reference and accounts that have configured their status report url.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | The message ID that is created by the MessageBird platform when the message is submitted, and returned upon creation of the object. |
reference | string | The client reference that has been sent to API upon creation of the object. |
recipient | string | The recipient where this status report applies to. |
status | string | The status of the message sent to the recipient. Possible values: scheduled, sent, buffered, delivered, expired, and delivery_failed |
statusDatetime | datetime | The datum time of this status in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP) |
GET http://your-own.url/script?id=efa6405d518d4c0c88cce11f7db775fb&reference=the-customers-reference&recipient=31612345678&status=delivered&statusDatetime=2017-09-01T10:00:05+00:00
The following media types are supported as MMS attachments.
Media | Type |
Audio | audio/basic audio/L24 audio/mp4 audio/mpeg audio/ogg audio/vorbis audio/vnd.rn-realaudio audio/vnd.wave audio/3gpp audio/3gpp2 audio/ac3 audio/vnd.wave audio/webm audio/amr-nb audio/amr |
Video | video/mpeg video/mp4 video/quicktime video/webm video/3gpp video/3gpp2 video/3gpp-tt video/H261 video/H263 video/H263-1998 video/H263-2000 video/H264 |
Image | image/jpeg image/gif image/png image/bmp |
Text | text/vcard text/csv text/rtf text/richtext text/calendar |
Application | application/pdf |