In this MessageBird Developer Tutorial you’ll learn how to improve your security by building a Voice-based two-factor authentication solution with the MessageBird Verify API.
Websites where users can sign up for an account typically use the email address as a unique identifier and a password as a security credential for users to sign in. At the same time, most websites ask users to add a verified phone number to their profile. Phone numbers are, in general, a better way to identify an account holder as a real person; they can also be used as a second authentication factor (2FA) or to restore access to a locked account.
Verification of a phone number is straightforward:
The MessageBird Verify API assists developers in implementing this workflow into their apps. Imagine you're running a social network and want to verify the profiles of your users. This MessageBird Developer Tutorial shows you an example application using Node.js with integrated account security following the steps outlined above.
By the way, it is also possible to replace the second step with an SMS message, as we explain in our two factor authentication tutorial. However, using voice for verification has the advantage that it works with every phone number, not just mobile phones, so it can be used to verify, for example, the landline of a business.
The MessageBird Verify API supports both options; voice and SMS!
Our sample application is built in Node.js using the Express framework, so you’ll need Node and npm, you can easily install them for free.
You can download or clone the complete source code from the MessageBird Developer Tutorials GitHub repository to run the application on your computer and follow along with the tutorial.
Let's now open the directory where you’ve stored the sample code and run the following command to install the MessageBird NodeJS SDK and other dependencies:
npm install
The MessageBird SDK is defined in package.json:
{// [...]"dependencies": {// [...]"messagebird": "^2.1.4"},// [...]}
It's loaded with a statement at the top of index.js:
// Load and initialize MesageBird SDKvar messagebird = require('messagebird')(process.env.MESSAGEBIRD_API_KEY);
You need to provide a MessageBird API key via an environment variable loaded with dotenv. We've prepared an env.example file in the repository, which you should rename to .env and add the required information. Here's an example:
You can create or retrieve a live API key in the ‘API access (REST)’ tab in the Developers section of the MessageBird Dashboard.
The sample application contains a form to collect the user's phone number. You can see the HTML as a Handlebars template in the file views/start.handlebars and the route that renders it’s get('/'). All Handlebars files use the layout stored in views/layouts/main.handlebars to follow a common structure.
The HTML form includes a <select> element as a drop-down to choose the country, which allows users to enter their phone number without the country code. In production applications, you could use this to limit access on a country level and preselect the user's current country by IP address. The form field for the number is a simple <input> with the type set to tel to inform compatible browsers that this is an input field for telephone numbers. Finally, there's a submit button; once the user clicks on it, the input is sent to the /verify route.
When the user submits their submit, the post('/verify') routes takes over. The Verify API expects the user's telephone number to be in international format, so the first step is reading the input and concatenating the country code and the number. If the user enters their local number with a leading zero, we remove this digit.'/verify', function(req, res) {// Compose number from country code and numbervar number = req.body.country_code+ (req.body.phone_number[0] == '0'? req.body.phone_number.substring(1): req.body.phone_number);
Next, we can call verify.create() on the MessageBird SDK which launches the API request that initiates the verification call.
// Create verification request with MessageBird Verify APImessagebird.verify.create(number, {type : 'tts', // TTS = text-to-speech, otherwise API defaults to SMStemplate : "Your account security code is %token."}, function(err, response) {
The method call takes two parameters, the first one is the telephone number that we want to verify and the second is a Javascript hash with configuration options. Our sample application sets two options:
There are a few other available options. For example, you can change the length of the code (it defaults to 6) with tokenLength; you can also specify voice as male or female and set the language to an ISO language code if you want the synthesized voice to be in a non-English language. You can find more details about these and other options in our Verify API documentation.
Requests in the MessageBird SDK are asynchronous and require a callback function. This function receives two parameters: err and response. Only one of those parameters has a value: err in case of failures and response in case of successful execution.
}, function(err, response) {if (err) {// Something went wrongconsole.log(err);res.render('start.handlebars',{ error : "Could not initiate call." });} else {// API request was successful, call is on its wayconsole.log(response);res.render('verify.handlebars', {id : // We need this ID to confirm verification.});}});
If there’s an error, we show the same page to the user as before but add an error parameter which the template displays as a message above the form to notify the user. In the success case, we render a new template. We add the id attribute of the API response to this template because we need the identification of our verification request in the next step to confirm the code. In both cases, we also log the raw output to assist with debugging in case something goes wrong.
The template stored in views/verify.handlebars, which we render in the success case, contains an HTML form with a hidden input field to pass forward the id from the verification request. It also contains a regular <input> with type set to text so that the user can enter the code that they've heard on the phone. When the user submits this form, it sends this token to the /confirm route.
Inside this route, let’s call another method in the MessageBird SDK, verify.verify() and provide the ID and token as two parameters:'/confirm', function(req, res) {// Complete verification request with MessageBird Verify APImessagebird.verify.verify(, req.body.token,
Just as before, the responsibility for handling the response goes to a callback function with err and response parameters:
function(err, response) {if (err) {// Something went wrongconsole.log(err);res.render('start.handlebars',{ error : "Verification has failed. Please try again." });} else {// Confirmation was successfulconsole.log(response);res.render('confirm.handlebars');}});
We inform the user about the status of the verification by showing either a new success response, which is stored in views/confirm.handlebars, or showing the first page again with an error message. In production applications you would use the success case to update your user's phone number as verified in your database.
You’re done! Let's go ahead and test your application. All we need to do is enter the following command in your console:
npm start
Then open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and walk through the process yourself!
Awesome! You can now leverage the flow, code snippets, and UI examples from this MessageBird Developer Tutorial to build your own voice-based account security system. Don't forget to download the code from the MessageBird Developer Tutorials GitHub repository.
Nice work! 🎉 You now have a running integration of MessageBird Verify API using Node.js!
Want to build something similar but not quite sure how to get started? Feel free to let us know at; we'd love to help!