API Reference

OverviewSMSSMS batch APIVoice CallingVoice MessagingConversations APIContacts API (v2)Integrations APIFile Storage APIOmnichannel WidgetNumbersPartner AccountsVerifyMMSHLRBalanceLookupContactsGroupsIntentFAQNamed Entity RecognitionLanguage Detection

Verify API

MessageBird's Verify API enables you to verify a mobile phone number or email with two-factor authentication. Create a new Verify object through the API to start the verification process of a recipient. MessageBird will take care of creating a token and making sure that the message gets delivered to the recipient.

The Verify API uses HTTP verbs and a RESTful endpoint structure with an access key that is used as the API Authorization. Request and response payloads are formatted as JSON using UTF-8 encoding and URL encoded values.

API Endpoint

All URLs referenced in MessageBird's Verify API documentation have the base URL in the code snippet on the right side:

API Endpoint


Available HTTP methods

The MessageBird API uses HTTP verbs to understand if you want to read (GET), delete (DELETE) or create (POST) an object. When your web application cannot do a POST or DELETE, we provide the ability to set the method through the query parameter _method.

Available HTTP methods

POST /verify
GET /verify/{verifyId}
DELETE /verify/{verifyId}

The Verify object

This object represents a One-Time Password, or verification token, at MessageBird.com


idstringA unique random ID which is created on the MessageBird platform and is returned upon creation of the object
hrefstringThe URL of the created object.
recipientstringThe msisdn of the recipient or email.
originatorstringThe msisdn of the originator or email.
referencestringYour reference. Must be alphanumeric.
typestringYour type of message. Values can be: sms, flash, tts, email
statusstringThe status of the verification. Possible values: sent, expired, failed, verified, and deleted
messageshashA hash containing one id and href entry referring to the URL of the created object. The entry can either refer to either the messages, voicemessages or the verify/messages/email endpoints. To know the status of delivery of the respective message use one of those endpoints
createdDatetimedatetimeThe date and time of the creation of the Verify object in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)
validUntilDatetimedatetimeThe date and time indicating the expiration time of the Verify object in RFC3339 format (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)

Object example

"id": "4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985",
"href": "https://rest.messagebird.com/verify/4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985",
"recipient": 31612345678,
"originator": 31612345678,
"type": "sms",
"reference": null,
"messages": {
"id": "31bce2a1155d1f7c1db9df6b32167259",
"href": "https://rest.messagebird.com/messages/31bce2a1155d1f7c1db9df6b32167259"
"status": "sent",
"createdDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:26:57+00:00",
"validUntilDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:27:27+00:00"

Request a verify

Creates a new Verify object and sends a verification token to a recipient. MessageBird returns the created Verify object with each request.

Required parameters

recipientstringThe telephone number or email that you want to verify. Required

Optional parameters

originatorstringThe sender of the message. This can be email (channel should be created for that domain name) or a telephone number (including country code) or an alphanumeric string. In case of an alphanumeric string, the maximum length is 11 characters.
Default: Code
referencestringA client reference. Must be alphanumeric.
typestringThe type of message. Values can be: sms, flash, tts, email
Default: sms
templatestringThe template of the message body. Needs to contain %token for the verification code to be included.
Default: Your code is: %token
datacodingstringThe datacoding used by the template, can be plain (GSM 03.38 characters only), unicode (contains non-GSM 03.38 characters) or auto, we will then set unicode or plain depending on the body content.
Default: plain
timeoutintThe time in seconds it takes the OTP code to expire. You could set that parameter to value that works better for you between 30 and 172801 seconds (2 days) Default: 30
tokenLengthintThe number of characters in the verification code. Must be between 6 and 10. Default: 6
maxAttemptsintThe maximum number of token input attempts a user can do before the Verify object is marked as failed. Must be between 1 and 10. Default: 1
voicestringThe voice in which the messages needs to be read to the recipient. Possible values are: male, female.
languagestringThe language in which the message needs to be read to the recipient. Possible values are: cy-gb,da-dk,de-de,el-gr,en-au,en-gb,en-gb-wls,en-in,en-us,es-es,es-mx,es-us,fr-ca,fr-fr,id-id,is-is,it-it,ja-jp,ko-kr,ms-my,nb-no,nl-nl,pl-pl,pt-br,pt-pt,ro-ro,ru-ru,sv-se,ta-in,th-th,tr-tr,vi-vn,zh-cn,zh-hk.
subjectstringThe subject of the email. Default: Your OTP token


Returns a Verify object if the request was successful. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.


POST https://rest.messagebird.com/verify

Example request

curl -X POST https://rest.messagebird.com/verify \
-H 'Authorization: AccessKey YOUR_ACCESS_KEY' \
-d "recipient=31612345678" \
-d "originator=YourName"

Example response

"id": "4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985",
"recipient": 31612345678,
"reference": null,
"messages": {
"status": "sent",
"createdDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:26:57+00:00",
"validUntilDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:27:27+00:00"

Example request for email

curl -X POST https://rest.messagebird.com/verify \
-H 'Authorization: AccessKey YOUR_ACCESS_KEY' \
-d "type=email" \
-d "recipient=client-email@example.com" \
-d "originator=verify@company.com" \
# The originator email domain needs to be set up as an email channel in your account at https://dashboard.messagebird.com/en/channels/

Verify a token

Verifies a sent verification token. Can only be done once for each token.

idstringA unique random ID which is created on the MessageBird platform and is returned upon creation of the object.Yes
tokenstringAn unique token which was sent to the recipient upon creation of the object. RequiredYes


Returns a Verify object if the request was successful. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.


GET https://rest.messagebird.com/verify/{verifyId}?token={token}

Example request

curl -X GET "https://rest.messagebird.com/verify/4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985?token=123456" \
-H 'Authorization: AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM'

Example response

"id": "4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985",
"recipient": 31612345678,
"reference": null,
"messages": {
"status": "sent",
"createdDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:26:57+00:00",
"validUntilDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:27:27+00:00"

View a Verify object

Retrieves the information of an existing Verify object. You only need to supply the unique id that was returned upon creation.

Required parameters

idstringA unique random ID which is created on the MessageBird platform and is returned upon creation of the object.Yes


Returns a Verify object if the request was successful. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.


GET https://rest.messagebird.com/verify/{verifyId}

Example request

curl -X GET https://rest.messagebird.com/verify/4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985 \
-H 'Authorization: AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM'

Example response

"id": "4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985",
"recipient": 31612345678,
"reference": null,
"messages": {
"status": "sent",
"createdDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:26:57+00:00",
"validUntilDatetime": "2016-05-03T14:27:27+00:00"

Delete a Verify object

Deletes an existing Verify object. You only need to supply the unique id that was returned upon creation.

idstringA unique random ID which is created on the MessageBird platform and is returned upon creation of the object.Yes


Returns an HTTP header of 204 No Content and an empty response if the request was successful. If the request failed, an error object will be returned.


DELETE https://rest.messagebird.com/verify/{verifyId}

Example request

curl -X DELETE https://rest.messagebird.com/verify/4e213b01155d1e35a9d9571v00162985 \
-H 'Authorization: AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM'

Example response



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